I. Foundational Concepts of Pain Management
1. Introduction - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
2. What is Normal Pain?—Normal Pain Mechanisms - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
3. The Science of Neuropathy - Andrew J. Rader, DPM
4. Clinical Recognition and Management of Centralized Pain - Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH
5. Hormones in Pain Management - Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH
6. Neuromas - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
7. Pain and the Keratinocyte - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
8. Insomnia and Pain - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM and Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH
9. Chronic Pain and Depression - Cynthia Cornell, MSN-FNP-C
II. Evaluation of Pain
10. Practical Neurologic Examination and Understanding the Performance of Diagnostic Nerve Blocks - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
11. Pain and Pre Surgical Screening - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
12. The EMG Test. What is it? Who does it? And what can it add to your practice? - Joe F. Jabre, MD
13. Neurosensory Testing with Pressure-Specified Sensory DeviceÔ (PSSD) in the Foot - A. Lee Dellon, MD, PhD
14. Confirmation of Nerve Entrapment with Diagnostic Ultrasound - John Tassone
15. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Entrapments: a New Paradigm - Karen E. Anderson, DPM
16. Epidermal Nerve Fiber Density Biopsy - Susan Doherty and Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
III. Interventional Concepts for Pain
17. Pharmacologic Perioperative Pain Management. Managing Acute Pain in the Face of Chronic Pain - Angela Huskey, PharmD, CPE and Jennifer M. Strickland, PharmD, BCPS
18. Management of Complex Heel Pain - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
19. Radiofrequency Ablation - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
20. Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy and its Effect on Pain - Nicole J. Kubat, PhD and John Moffett, PhD
21. Morton’s Syndrome - Eduard Rabat, MD and Jordi Vega, MD
22. The Dorsal Root Ganglion as a Target in Spinal Cord Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic, Post-Surgical Pain - Jeffery Kramer, PhD and Jeyakumar Subbaroyan, PhD
23. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Treatment Therapies including Intravenous Ketamine Treatment - Cynthia Cornell, MSN-FNP-C
24. Biomechanical Etiology and Treatment of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - Michael E. Graham, DPM
IV. Surgical Intervention for Pain
25. Overview of Peripheral Nerve Decompression Surgery in the Lower Extremity - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
26. Common Peroneal (Fibularis) Nerve Entrapment: Diagnosis and Surgical Decompression - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
27. Superficial Peroneal (Fibularis) Nerve Decompression - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
28. Deep Peroneal (Fibularis) Nerve Decompression - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
29. Tarsal Tunnel Surgery - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
30. Management of Painful Neuroma by Nerve Grafting and Nerve Repair - Orlando Merced-O’Neill
31. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Reconstructive Foot Surgery - Mark E. Woolley, DPM
32. Surgical Treatment of CRPS of the Lower Extremity - A. Lee Dellon, MD, PhD
33. Local Anesthetics in the Surgical Setting - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM
Appendix A. Introduction to the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons (AENS) - Stephen L. Barrett, DPM